Invest in Safe Routes to School to improve pedestrian safety in Hawaiʻi

In 2022, Hawaiʻi saw a record 116 traffic fatalities and 572 serious injuries on its roads. Many of these collisions occurred near schools, highlighting the need to prioritize the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program.

The SRTS program provides healthy transportation options for keiki by developing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure within a one-mile radius of public schools. 

Despite the importance of this pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, it is severely underfunded. Hawaiʻi Appleseed recently analyzed the Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT) capital improvement program (CIP) budget in its “Rethinking Roads” report. That analysis found that less than 2 percent of HDOT’s CIP budget between Fiscal Year (FY) 2019–2024 was allocated to standalone pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects. This has led to increased vehicle travel across Hawaiʻi, contributing to unmet mobility needs, worsening traffic conditions, and environmental degradation. 

Moreover, while $10 million was allocated into the SRTS program in FY24 and FY25, the SRTS program relies on traffic violation surcharges for its revenue. Since FY20, only about $500,000 per year has been deposited into the SRTS program.

At the same time the agreement from the recent Navahine F. v. Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation lawsuit (2022–24) mandates that HDOT complete its multimodal network within 5 years. This includes the construction of planned pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, as well as transit networks. This undertaking will require a significant investment; the Hawaiʻi Climate Commission has identified nearly $1 billion in high-priority pedestrian, bicycle, and multimodal projects across the state that are currently unfunded. With nearly 80 percent of these projects located near schools, it’s critical that the legislature enhance the SRTS program. 

Multiple proposals being considered during the 2025 state legislative session would generate additional funding for the SRTS program, including: 

  • HB1471, which would add a surcharge to the state vehicle registration tax. 

  • SB1124, which would add a fee on all non-food deliveries. 

The need to invest in the state’s SRTS program is even more urgent as the current federal administration is scrapping important pedestrian and bicycle safety programs. The Trump Administration has frozen over $3 billion in funding allocated to pedestrian infrastructure projects, and has threatened to eliminate programs such as Safe Streets and Roads for All and Reconnecting Communities entirely.

Now is the time for state legislators to invest in the SRTS program. With an estimated 30 percent of our population that does not drive, expanding the SRTS program will have profound positive impacts, including protecting our most vulnerable roadway users, reducing both public and private transportation costs, and supporting our state in meeting its ambitious climate and energy goals. 

Abbey Seitz

Director of Transportation Equity at Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice


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