Transportation Equity
All residents—regardless of age, race, ethnicity, ability, or income—should be able to navigate their community safely using modes of transportation that promote healthy individuals and communities, including walking, rolling, and riding transit. Hawaiʻi Appleseed is seeking to help advance this purpose by increasing our capacity for research and advocacy around thoughtful and equitable transportation policy.
Get involved with the transportation equity by signing up for policy and advocacy updates.
Hawaiʻi Appleseed is advocating for Freedom to Walk legislation to remove legal penalties for pedestrians who cross streets outside of designated crosswalks or against traffic signals. This effort seeks to reduce traffic violence and over-policing. Nationally, jaywalking citations have been found to disproportionately impact people of color. Advocating for this legislation will generate important discussions on how public resources can be shifted away from penalizing people walking and rolling, and be redirected towards addressing the root causes of traffic violence: mainly speeding and distracted driving.
Talking Points
Reducing vehicle travel can improve air quality, cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce traffic congestion and enhance public safety.