Affordable Housing

There is growing consensus that we need bold new approaches to address our lack of affordable housing, and the inhumane reality that thousands of Hawaiʻi residents currently live unsheltered. More lawmakers are embracing the concept that our housing policy should better reflect the values of Hawaiʻi. That means everyone deserves to have safe and affordable housing, regardless of their life circumstances or income. That means that access to housing should be considered a basic human right similar to healthcare, clean water and quality education.  

This is an important and much needed mindset shift, because if our housing shortage is ever going to be successfully addressed, it will require significant investment of public resources. That means investment in infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity, as well as in the construction of new affordable housing and in the preservation of existing stock. But it also means investment in rent assistance for lower-income residents, and in social workers and other staff to offer supportive services for those who need it.

2025 Legislative Priorities

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