Hawaiʻi Appleseed is committed to a more socially and economically just Hawaiʻi, where everyone has genuine opportunities to achieve economic security and fulfill their potential. We change systems to address inequity and foster greater opportunity by conducting data analysis and research to address income inequality, educating policymakers and the public, engaging in collaborative problem solving and coalition building, and advocating for policy and systems change.
The work of Hawaiʻi Appleseed is about people. The issues we work on—housing, food, wages, the state budget and taxation, and racial and indigenous equity—are important because they ensure people have access to shelter, sustenance, and the means to survive and thrive individually and collectively. Addressing these issues requires the knowledge and expertise of the people that have first-hand experience and live with the adverse consequences of our flawed systems. Hawaiʻi Appleseed is focused on doing more to integrate into our organization and our work the people affected by the issues we work on.
In achieving our vision and fulfilling our mission of advocating for economic justice for the people of Hawaiʻi, Appleseed holds the following core values at the center of our efforts:
Putting People First – The only way to achieve policies that work for everyone is through change efforts for and with the people most adversely impacted by our current system.
Equity – We are committed to addressing structural inequities resulting from racism, colonialism, and other forms of oppression to co-create a society where all can live to their full potential.
Courage – We must be willing to speak out against powerful interests and speak up for people first policies even if they are politically unpopular.
Collaboration – We cannot accomplish our mission working in isolation; we must work with others and endeavor to continually build bridges and forge new connections with diverse members of the community around us.
Integrity – We strive to ensure our work is accurate and can be relied upon, and we seek to speak and act in alignment with our values.