Reducing the burden of pedestrian fines and fees with Freedom to Walk legislation
At a societal level, we seek to shift public resources away from penalizing pedestrians and toward addressing the root causes of traffic violence.

Expand the state’s e-bike rebate program to improve mobility options
Now is the time for the state to expand the electric bike and moped rebate program to lower household transportation costs, reduce vehicle costs, and increase resident’s physical activity.

Invest in Safe Routes to School to improve pedestrian safety in Hawaiʻi
Federal funding freezes, requirements from the Navahine lawsuit settlement, and worsening traffic and its associated negative impacts—why state lawmakers shouldn't wait to invest in Safe Routes to School.

What’s in store for 2025: Hawaiʻi Appleseed transportation equity projects on the horizon
In 2025, we’ll take a greater look at more equitable approaches to traffic enforcement, the impacts of parking mandates on affordable housing, and addressing the unique mobility challenges that women and their families face.

Jaywalking remains illegal in Hawaiʻi; Freedom to Walk elevates transportation equity discussion
By maintaining the focus on data-driven strategies to address systemic roadway safety issues, we can push for investments in infrastructure that slows vehicle speeds, increases the visibility of pedestrians, and physically separates vehicles and pedestrians.

Decriminalize jaywalking in the 2024 legislative session
Jaywalking laws have failed to reduce pedestrian deaths. It is time to shift resources away from penalizing pedestrians, and redirect resources towards providing infrastructure so that people can safely walk, bike and roll.

Focusing in on people-first policy for the 2024 legislative session
Hawaiʻi Appleseed announces its legislative priorities for the 2024 session.