Empowering Kalihi’s youth leaders through community organizing and policy advocacy training
While people in power sometimes hand wave the voice of youth in policy conversations, our partnership with KVIBE is a reminder that young people can and should be integral components of the decision-making process.
How Hawaiʻi’s hardworking undocumented immigrants support our economy and communities
A new report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy lifts up the significant tax contributions that undocumented immigrants make to our federal, state and local governments through the taxes they pay each year.
The big budget trouble with HB2404’s over-broad and sweeping tax cuts
Last minute changes to the bill, made without public scrutiny, will increase its cost by nearly eight-fold, while higher-income households will get a far bigger benefit than those struggling to make ends meet.
Hawaiʻi’s capital gains loophole floats the rich as working families struggle to stay above water
In the interest of tax fairness, the State of Hawaiʻi should tax capital gains—income from selling assets such as stocks, bonds, art and real estate—at the same rates as income made from wages, salaries and other compensation for work.
Legislative agenda 2023: tax reforms to boost incomes and fund investments in our future
Top of the list of immediate challenges for Hawaiʻi is to find a way to prevent our people from being overwhelmed by the high and rising cost of living in the islands.
Hawaiʻi state budget highlights, 2017–19
Hawaiʻi’s budget is the blueprint for our current and future prosperity, and is an economic engine in itself, making up 20 percent of the state’s gross domestic product.