69 public schools offer free summer meals. But most kids don't claim them

But a new report by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) shows only one in 10 youngsters and teenagers from low-income households take advantage of the program. And that could be hurting the state financially.

Nicole Woo of the Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice said Hawaiʻi is near the bottom of FRAC's national ranking, coming in 41st among the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

“A lot of these kids rely on free or reduced-price school lunch during the school year. During the summer we don't know where they're getting their meals if they're not taking advantage of the summer food program,” she said.

The FRAC report shows low participation robs the state of more than a million dollars a month in federal reimbursements for the meals.

Woo thinks the state needs more locations offering the free summer lunches.

“Making connections between programs where kids are already going and people who can provide the meals the key,” she said.

Jim Mendoza

Hawaii News Now


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