Affordable-home sizes getting squeezed

If the equation was based on square feet of living space, the developer’s affordable-housing contribution would be 8 percent.

In response to ProsPac’s permit application, DPP noted in a report that the developer’s plan doesn’t meet the comparable bedroom standard and that the city’s affordable-housing rules need amending.

“The proposal limits the type of households who will benefit from affordable housing to singles and couples, and (do) not include larger families,” DPP’s report said. “The DPP understands that higher standards for affordable housing is needed.”

Victor Geminiani, co-director of the Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice, said the percentage of affordable housing required should be based on the total floor area of all residences, not by bedroom count, or ridiculous results such as 150-square-foot affordable studios could result.

Andrew Gomes

Honolulu Star-Advertiser


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