What’s in store for 2025: Hawaiʻi Appleseed transportation equity projects on the horizon
In 2025, we’ll take a greater look at more equitable approaches to traffic enforcement, the impacts of parking mandates on affordable housing, and addressing the unique mobility challenges that women and their families face.

Census poverty data for 2023 highlights the importance of government assistance
Promising trends for families across the nation, but many continue to feel the lasting effects of widespread unemployment during the pandemic, a rising cost of living, and inadequate government assistance.

Federal spending reduced overall poverty last year despite the pandemic-recession
But in Hawaiʻi, tens of thousands of residents below the poverty line still struggled to make ends meet.

Hidden data: the untold story of Native Hawaiian children in foster care
Because data influences government investments of tax revenue, data disaggregation provides a voice to the voiceless and representation to the disenfranchised.

Appleseed agenda 2021: stop cuts, boost working families and the economy
Hawaiʻi Appleseed’s work during the 2021 legislative session focuses on the areas most critical to preserving the strength and stability of Hawaiʻi people, families and communities.

Native Hawaiian healing from white settler injustices and continued discrimination
Racial healing is no less urgent in Hawaiʻi than it is across the nation. We must advance solutions that support and restore Native Hawaiian self-determination.

Hawaiʻi’s crowded households could make safely reopening schools harder
With the highest portion of multigenerational and crowded households in the nation, how should our state policy on reopening schools differ?

State research confirms economic benefit of minimum wage hikes
The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism’s latest report demonstrates that a living wage is not only possible, it is economically desirable.

50 years in the fight for equal justice
Victor Geminiani, founding director of Hawaiʻi Appleseed and career advocate for low-income and underserved communities, will retire on August 31, 2019.

How high is too high? We actually know a lot about minimum wage increases
Raising the minimum wage would boost not just the pay of many struggling Hawaiʻi workers and their families; it would also boost the local economy.

Appleseed announces 2019 policy agenda
After months of research spent examining these critical issues, this agenda prioritizes efforts for maximum benefit to the community at-large.

School breakfast: building a solid foundation for learning
When you checkout at Safeway in September, you’ll have the option to donate to this important fundraiser to expand participation in school breakfast programs.

Coming soon: The Hawaiʻi Budget and Policy Center
Hawaiʻi Appleseed is creating a new think tank focused on research and analysis of state budget and tax policy—the Hawaiʻi Budget & Policy Center (HBPC).