A Hawaiʻi state budget for dummies
In case you haven’t noticed, Hawaiʻi’s state budget is a very difficult thing to make sense of unless you’re trained as a forensic accountant. Thankfully, the Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center has released a Budget Primer to make things simpler.
Legislature mulls jaywalking measure
Jaywalking enforcement leads to hostility toward pedestrians, over-policing of black and brown communities and loss of state revenue from the low collection of assessed fees versus the cost of public resources expended to make citations.
Bill to allow jaywalking in Hawaiʻi makes progress in the House
State legislators are moving along a measure to ban police from enforcing current jaywalking laws.
Planning averts spike in COVID-era homelessness in Hawaiʻi
Hawaiʻi Appleseed last week released the results of a study showing “a pre-litigation mediation program” known as Act 57 helped renters and landlords and reduced both court costs and a strain on the Judicial system.
Deal will keep rent affordable at Front Street Apartments
Residents celebrate as legal battle to keep rent from rising comes to an end.
Hawaiʻi prisons are finally moving forward with an ID program for inmates
A law passed in 2017 required the state to provide convicts with identification upon release to help them manage on the outside.
Tenants at Lahaina Front Street Apartments celebrate federal court win to keep rent affordable until 2051
Tenants of the Lahaina Front Street Apartments low-income housing project welcomed a federal court decision this week that ensures that the project will stay affordable until 2051.
No one is speaking up for Hawaiʻi’s renters
There is no organization dedicated to advocating for the rights of tenants, and a new study finds they lose nearly every eviction case.
How house leaders scuttled better pay for foster parents
House Speaker Scott Saiki said attorney fees were too high in a multi-million-dollar settlement of a lawsuit challenging foster care payment rates.