Jaywalking remains illegal in Hawaiʻi; Freedom to Walk elevates transportation equity discussion
By maintaining the focus on data-driven strategies to address systemic roadway safety issues, we can push for investments in infrastructure that slows vehicle speeds, increases the visibility of pedestrians, and physically separates vehicles and pedestrians.

Congress restores eligibility to federal benefits for COFA citizens
President Biden’s recently passed spending bill comes with long-awaited good news for citizens of COFA nations, who are now—once again, after nearly three decades—eligible for federal benefits.

Trickle-down estate tax break bills are bad policy for Hawaiʻi
After decades of evidence, we know “trickle-down” economics is a smokescreen to aid the wealthy in creating preferential tax policies.

Decriminalize jaywalking in the 2024 legislative session
Jaywalking laws have failed to reduce pedestrian deaths. It is time to shift resources away from penalizing pedestrians, and redirect resources towards providing infrastructure so that people can safely walk, bike and roll.

What made the 2022 Hawaiʻi legislative session a win for working families?
After multiple years with little progress on policy to help working families survive Hawaiʻi’s highest-in-the-nation cost of living, several factors came together to deliver a banner year in 2022.

Hawaiʻi should eliminate its tipped sub-minimum wage
Research shows that employers frequently exploit tip credit provisions to pay their employees beneath the legal minimum wage. As a result, tipped workers tend to earn lower, less consistent wages than non-tipped workers, and they are more likely to experience poverty.

Put more money in working people’s pockets and reduce housing costs
This legislative session, Hawaiʻi Appleseed is pushing hard to implement a significant minimum wage increase, expand successful tax credits for low-income families, and lay the groundwork for housing policy that will mean no one in Hawaiʻi is left unsheltered because of poverty.

Federal spending reduced overall poverty last year despite the pandemic-recession
But in Hawaiʻi, tens of thousands of residents below the poverty line still struggled to make ends meet.

Protecting SNAP benefits for Hawaiʻi’s working families and seniors
The Trump Administration is floating a proposed rule change that would take away food assistance benefits from struggling families.

Redefining poverty would throw millions off critical social support programs
A Trump Administration rule change would force millions of Americans off critical programs that help women, children and families meet their basic needs.

Public charge rule change would hurt Hawaiʻi’s economy
Not only would the proposed rule change adversely impact the standard of living of Hawaiʻi’s immigrant families, it would also harm Hawaiʻi’s overall economy.

Honolulu’s proposal to regulate short-term rentals needs serious help
Addressing the rampant proliferation of short-term vacation rentals in Hawaiʻi is critical to solving our housing crisis, but it’s imperative that we do it the right way: here’s how.