Expand the state’s e-bike rebate program to improve mobility options
Now is the time for the state to expand the electric bike and moped rebate program to lower household transportation costs, reduce vehicle costs, and increase resident’s physical activity.

Hawaiʻi is even less affordable after the pandemic
How have jobs, wages and costs changed from before the COVID pandemic compared to after? These charts show changes from 2019 to 2022 that have affected livability for Hawaiʻi residents.

Honolulu County’s eviction mediation program was a resounding success
Act 57’s pre-litigation eviction mediation program shows a promising pathway forward to greater housing security by preventing evictions and keeping families housed.

Appleseed agenda 2021: stop cuts, boost working families and the economy
Hawaiʻi Appleseed’s work during the 2021 legislative session focuses on the areas most critical to preserving the strength and stability of Hawaiʻi people, families and communities.

Hawaiʻi’s household income loss is the highest in the nation
6 in 10 Hawaiʻi adults now live in a household in which at least one person has lost income

Who are Hawaiʻi’s frontline workers?
The pandemic has shown us how crucial frontline industry workers are to Hawaiʻi’s economy. Sadly, many of these workers are underpaid and under-protected.

Redefining poverty would throw millions off critical social support programs
A Trump Administration rule change would force millions of Americans off critical programs that help women, children and families meet their basic needs.

How high is too high? We actually know a lot about minimum wage increases
Raising the minimum wage would boost not just the pay of many struggling Hawaiʻi workers and their families; it would also boost the local economy.

Farm bill protects SNAP, other critical nutrition programs
The bill includes provisions that invest in our island’s rural communities, provide funding for farmers and advance sustainable community food systems.