Reducing the burden of pedestrian fines and fees with Freedom to Walk legislation
At a societal level, we seek to shift public resources away from penalizing pedestrians and toward addressing the root causes of traffic violence.

Jaywalking remains illegal in Hawaiʻi; Freedom to Walk elevates transportation equity discussion
By maintaining the focus on data-driven strategies to address systemic roadway safety issues, we can push for investments in infrastructure that slows vehicle speeds, increases the visibility of pedestrians, and physically separates vehicles and pedestrians.

The big budget trouble with HB2404’s over-broad and sweeping tax cuts
Last minute changes to the bill, made without public scrutiny, will increase its cost by nearly eight-fold, while higher-income households will get a far bigger benefit than those struggling to make ends meet.

How COVID-19 shaped Appleseed’s work in 2020
The year 2020 was a turbulent one, but it proved the power of Hawaiʻi’s greatest strength—its people.