After more than 40 years, USDA increases Hawaiʻi’s school meal reimbursement rates
These increased rates are projected to bring an additional $8 million a year to Hawaiʻi to support healthy meals for children.

Report: Hawaiʻi is short tens of millions in annual federal funds to support feeding children
The “Feed our Keiki” report finds that the USDA is providing far less funding to Hawaiʻi than it should, resulting in a financial crisis for Hawaiʻi’s child nutrition programs.

Hawaiʻi drops to 44th in the nation in children’s summer meal participation
Fewer than 1 in 11 keiki in free or reduced-price school lunch were reached by summer meals.

Free grab-and-go meals for children and youth available through August 14
Community organizations respond to delayed start of public school year by keeping keiki feeding sites open.

Community partnership nearly doubles capacity to 20 keiki feeding sites
On May 5, Kamaʻāina Kids will open 9 new sites, including one on Maui.

Community partnership expands to 11 sites serving free meals to 1,700 keiki on Oʻahu
Suppers being served in Kalihi and new sites in ʻAiea and Honolulu.

Community partnership serves free meals to keiki during school closure
During this unplanned school closure, three SFSP sponsors—YMCA Honolulu, Parents and Children Together, and Palama Settlement—are opening food sites in low-income areas on Oʻahu for keiki.

Hawaiʻi Appleseed announces Victor Geminiani’s retirement
The 50-year advocate for the low-income community and founder of Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice will retire on August 31, 2019.

Fewer than one in 11 low-income keiki get free summer food
A national report released today shows Hawaiʻi has dropped to 43rd in the nation in providing free or reduced-price school lunches to keiki over the summer, but there is reason for optimism going forward.