Hawaiʻi's tenant-landlord mediation program kept hundreds housed amid pandemic fallout
Study aims to ascertain whether or not there are ways to increase housing stability by examining the temporary measures Hawaiʻi put into place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hawaiʻi Appleseed announces Victor Geminiani’s retirement
The 50-year advocate for the low-income community and founder of Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice will retire on August 31, 2019.

Honolulu passes most progressive vacation rental regulation in the U.S.
After three decades of proliferation of illegal short-term rentals on Oʻahu, county administrators finally have—in Bill 89—the comprehensive tool kit needed to balance the needs of the tourism industry with the needs of the community.

Hawaiʻi’s affordable housing crisis is getting worse
Recommendations for policymakers on how to address our highest-in-the-nation housing costs and associated socioeconomic problems.