Recent state tax cuts leave many struggling families behind, in need of more help
Tax credits can help round out relief efforts at low cost to the state by targeting assistance only to the families that need additional support.

Hawaiʻi’s tax system makes inequality worse, national study finds
Hawaiʻi lawmakers can improve the economic health of our communities by re-balancing the state’s upside-down tax code.

Hawaiʻi households to suffer deep cuts to SNAP benefits; anti-hunger advocates urge lawmakers to address hunger cliff
The cliff is a result of Congress’ decision to end the federal emergency allotments that were implemented to reduce food insecurity and stimulate the economy for the duration of the pandemic.

Two local nonprofits receive $100,000 grant from Safeway and Safeway Foundation’s Nourishing Neighbors
Hawaiʻi Appleseed and Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network are teaming up to ensure families with keiki can purchase enough food this summer.

Trump’s Public Charge rule could cost Hawaiʻi dearly
With the new Trump Administration Public Charge rule given the green light today by the U.S. Supreme Court, both Hawaiʻi’s economy and its hardworking immigrant families will suffer.

Hawaiʻi Appleseed and PHOCUSED join forces
The merger of these social justice organizations is meant to forge a stronger connection between data-driven policy and impacted communities.

Hawaiʻi working women, parents are chief beneficiaries of proposed minimum wage increase
New analysis sheds light on demographics of affected workers and effects on local economy.

Report examines the state of poverty in Hawaiʻi since the Great Recession
The state’s high cost of living and low wages has made recovery slow and painful for many families.

Half of Hawaiʻi’s residents are living paycheck-to-paycheck
An Appleseed-commissioned poll highlights the extent to which working families are now struggling to get by in Hawaiʻi.

Hawaiʻi families, businesses and economy would benefit greatly from state Earned Income Tax Credit
Now is the time for Hawaiʻi to invest in its residents and businesses by creating a state refundable EITC that puts dollars back into workers’ pockets and into the cash registers of local business.