Lawmakers should leverage tax credits to preserve Hawaiʻi’s working class
Almost half of the population cannot pay their bills on time while also saving money for emergencies.

New policy brief proposes targeted tax relief for struggling Hawaiʻi families
As local families continue to leave Hawaiʻi due to the high cost of living, Hawaiʻi Appleseed stresses the urgency for additional legislative action to help those at risk of homelessness.

The price of hunger: Navigating the cost burden of free meals for Hawaiʻi students
Hawaiʻi Appleseed’s “Equity on the Menu” shows a cost estimate of $26 million per year. This would be 1.2 percent of the Hawaiʻi DOE’s overall annual budget, set this year at just over $2 billion.

Mayor Blangiardi announces new Deputy Director at the Office of Economic Revitalization
Mayor Rick Blangiardi announced on Thursday the appointment of Gavin Thornton as the new Deputy Director of the City and County of Honolulu’s Office of Economic Revitalization (OER).

A Hawaiʻi state budget for dummies
In case you haven’t noticed, Hawaiʻi’s state budget is a very difficult thing to make sense of unless you’re trained as a forensic accountant. Thankfully, the Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center has released a Budget Primer to make things simpler.

A global relief organization keeps the spigot open for community healthcare providers closer to home
A recent report from the Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice found that wages remain low, even though Hawaiʻi has the highest cost of living in America.

Lawmakers give final approval to a ‘historic’ income tax cut in long day of voting
The tax bill along with nearly 200 other measures now go to Gov. Josh Green for his consideration.

It’s being called Hawaiʻi’s biggest tax break, but some will get more help than others
Although pleased the inheritance tax reduction failed, Hawaiʻi Appleseed was unhappy that the reform bill delivers so much relief to people with the highest incomes.

In last-minute plea to Legislature, Maui’s mayor requests $125M for wildfire recovery aid
The request is getting a cool response amid pressure to do more for low-income residents.

Maui Mayor Richard Bissen is on the hot seat now. And rightly so
Community and labor groups hope to hold legislators accountable to local working families.

Enthusiasm surrounds measure to provide universal free school meals
Thousands of students already take advantage of programs for free or discounted meals, but access often depends on a family’s income. Many students in low-income families need the support but can't get it.

Lawmakers should embrace keiki credit
Given Hawaiʻi’s rising cost of living and the corresponding increase in child poverty, lawmakers should seize the opportunity to establish a state-level Child Tax Credit to provide tax relief for working families with children.

New report on cycle of poverty in Hawaiʻi urges state lawmakers to find solutions
Solutions include substantially increasing public financing of affordable housing, as well as the creation of a state level child tax credit.

Study: Low wages a threat to ‘heart and soul’ of society in Hawaiʻi
The report concludes that chronically low wages have prevented Hawaiʻi’s working families from thriving, and that the effect of poverty on children has ramifications for future generations.

More Hawaiʻi schools qualify for free meal programs but the state may not participate
Recent changes to a federal program could allow for a significant expansion of free school meals in Hawaiʻi, but it's unclear if the state will opt in.

Housing advocate calls for a departure from the status quo to meet basic needs
Gavin Thornton, executive director of Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice, discusses the mixed bag of results from lawmakers attempting to address the housing and homeless crises during the 2023 legislative session.

Hawaiʻi food insecurity persists post COVID-19
Even as Hawaiʻi distances itself from the harshest effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, anti-hunger advocates say that elevated food insecurity among residents has not only persisted but is growing.

VIDEO: Anti-hunger leaders join ‘Spotlight Hawaiʻi’
Hawaiʻi Food Bank CEO Amy Miller Marvin and Daniela Spoto, Hawaiʻi Appleseed’s director of Anti-Hunger Initiatives, joined the Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s “Spotlight Hawaiʻi.”

Hawaiʻi’s working moms deserve (child tax) credit
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we must do more than simply celebrate the thousands of working moms out there—we need to deliver tax justice to them and their families.

Tax to fund affordable housing advances in state legislature
Senate Bill 362, Draft 2, which raises the conveyance tax on property sales over $2 million, has survived committee (a feat that only one in 10 bills achieve) and is set for a final floor vote in the Senate this week.