Nonprofits team up to curb hunger with new national funding
The four Hawaiʻi nonprofits are among 13 new partners in MAZON’s Emerging Advocacy Fund, a nationwide effort to support and expand grassroots anti-hunger work in the states most impacted by food insecurity.

Sowing seeds of service
“Our work is to bring all these different sectors together and create lasting solutions and changes.”

Program allows donations for grab-and-go meals
All through September, customers visiting Safeway stores in Hawaiʻi can donate to the annual Nourishing Neighbors fundraiser to support anti-hunger initiatives.

Not politics as usual
To address socioeconomic inequality, Hawaiʻi’s decision-makers need to come up with an effective problem-solving process so stakeholders can come together to achieve concrete solutions.

How new, agile networks of people are helping Hawaiʻi
Uplift Hawaiʻi describes itself as an economic recovery platform bringing together organizations, individuals, coalitions and other COVID-19 recovery initiatives.

New state program would give $500 a month for rent
The rent money would be direct deposited into your landlord's account; make sure to sign up for the program if and when the state makes it available.

Gov. David Ige and Hawaiʻi Appleseed’s Gavin Thorton join the COVID-19 Care Conversation
Gov. David Ige and Hawaiʻi Appleseed Executive Director Gavin Thorton joined us today for a Q&A video on the COVID-19 Care Conversation.

Social service workers rally at state Capitol
Lawmakers say they will use $635 million in CARES Act funds to assist the unemployed and local businesses, but advocates say it’s still not enough.

Extra help urged for Hawaiʻi renters who face eviction due to COVID-19 pandemic
The situation for renters is likely to get worse in the coming months, especially after the $600 boost to federal unemployment benefits expires July 31.

Nonprofits urge lawmakers to quickly commit federal funds to cope with social needs
The Working Families Coalition released a plan to distribute $362 million including CARES Act funds to help families with rent, food, healthcare and more.

DOE closing some food sites, advocates concerned that community help may not be enough
Nicole Woo, senior policy analyst with Hawaiʻi Appleseed, worries that other community groups may not be around this summer to pick up the slack.

Strengthening Hawaiʻi’s food systems: keeping kupuna fed
Disaster preparedness experts have worried for years about Hawaiʻi’s food security. The COVID-19 disruption has made kūpuna particularly at risk for hunger.

Hawaiʻi nonprofits want more say in how state spends federal virus aid
More than 60 nonprofits want the state to expand its safety net to help immigrants and other marginalized groups.

Nonprofits from Waiʻanae to Kaneʻohe offer more free meals for keiki
The meals for children are to replace breakfasts and lunches they normally would receive if public schools were in session and not closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Nonprofits including YMCA offer free lunches to keiki on Oʻahu
Nonprofit groups are offering free grab-and-go lunches to children at various sites on Oʻahu to supplement those being offered at many public schools by the DOE.

Community groups offer free lunch to kids
The grab-and-go meals at a handful of sites around Oʻahu supplement the DOE’s own meal service which began this week while schools are closed.

PHOCUSED joins forces with Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center
Together, the organizations will jointly pursue policy changes that benefit Hawai‘i’s most vulnerable populations.

Report questions Hawaiʻi’s low enrollment rate in after school supper program
Tens of thousands of low-income kids in Hawaiʻi are eligible for free after-school suppers, but only 259 students were signed up to get the meals last year.

Hawaiʻi ranks last in afterschool suppers to keiki
Out of the 66,550 keiki who ate free or reduced-price school lunch in Hawaiʻi in 2018, only 259 also had an after school supper.

Corporate citizenship: companies giving back
On Oct. 17, 2019, 5 percent of proceeds from Hawaiʻi’s four Whole Foods Market locations will be donated to expand access to school meals for keiki.