Raise sales tax on costly homes, build more rentals
When hard-working locals—from teachers and nurses to waitresses—are struggling to stay housed, it means we have a serious problem.

Hawaiʻi wants to purchase voluntary deed restrictions to preserve more homes for locals
This new approach would help buffer Hawaiʻi homes from speculation and encourage more locals to actively contribute to addressing the Islands’ housing challenges.

Hawaiʻi’s plan to develop leasehold homes advances
An unconventional state initiative to build more homes for Hawaii residents with moderate incomes is approaching a critical test to see whether homebuyers want high-rise condominiums with 99-year land leases.

House committee recommends passage of Kamaʻaina Homes Program
Modeled after the Vail InDEED program in tourist-Mecca Vail, Colo., the program would provide funding to the counties to purchase voluntary deed restrictions from eligible homeowners or homebuyers.