DOE improves free school breakfast program during pandemic
Hawaiʻi Appleseed has monitored the ranking for years, and has been working with the DOE to improve those numbers.

Sowing seeds of service
“Our work is to bring all these different sectors together and create lasting solutions and changes.”

Hawaiʻi ranks last in participation rate for school breakfast programs
Hawaiʻi's high poverty rate means ensuring more students have access to healthy meals is imperative.

Hawaiʻi in last place for school breakfast
Fewer than 40 low-income children in Hawaiʻi ate school breakfast for every 100 that received free or reduced-price school lunch last year.

More kids need school breakfast
Fewer than 4 in 10 low-income students who eat school lunch are also eating school breakfast in our state.

When it comes to school breakfast, we can do better
Research shows that when students eat school breakfast they have lower rates of obesity and improved attendance, behavior and grades.