Congress’ budget blueprint leaves Hawaiʻi’s working families behind
In effect, the budget blueprint aims to take food out of the mouths of hungry keiki, so that billionaires can pad their pockets even more on the way to the bank.

How a second Trump presidency could impact the pocket books of Hawaiʻi’s working families
Outside of the top 5 percent richest households, families will likely see significant tax increases, while the cost of consumer items would spike under proposed tariffs.

Housing for all: The role of ADUs in strengthening Hawaiʻi’s communities
By creating accessible ADU financing options and streamlining regulatory processes, Hawaiʻi can empower homeowners to contribute to the housing supply while ensuring these new units remain affordable and benefit local residents.

Hawaiʻi’s elected leaders buy-in to costly “trickle-down” myth
Passing an “historic” tax cut that mostly benefits the wealthiest Hawaiʻi residents is not the path to a healthy economy that works for working people.

The big budget trouble with HB2404’s over-broad and sweeping tax cuts
Last minute changes to the bill, made without public scrutiny, will increase its cost by nearly eight-fold, while higher-income households will get a far bigger benefit than those struggling to make ends meet.

Leverage Hawaiʻi’s conveyance tax to equitably fund affordable housing, land conservation and infrastructure needs
The legislature has the opportunity this session to raise revenue to pay for much needed affordable housing—as well as land conservation and infrastructure—by increasing conveyance tax rates on investment properties.

Hawaiʻi can increase housing stability through a rent relief & mediation program
Creating and funding an ongoing rent relief and pre-litigation mediation program will increase housing stability in Hawaiʻi.

Legislative agenda 2023: tax reforms to boost incomes and fund investments in our future
Top of the list of immediate challenges for Hawaiʻi is to find a way to prevent our people from being overwhelmed by the high and rising cost of living in the islands.

Community-driven progress on Hawaiʻi’s affordable housing crisis
The only to address Hawai‘i’s long-standing housing crisis is through a comprehensive, community- and data-driven approach designed not to just build more housing, but to build the housing that Hawaiʻi residents need and can afford.

Hawaiʻi should eliminate its tipped sub-minimum wage
Research shows that employers frequently exploit tip credit provisions to pay their employees beneath the legal minimum wage. As a result, tipped workers tend to earn lower, less consistent wages than non-tipped workers, and they are more likely to experience poverty.

This Labor Day, Hawaiʻi’s workers need more help than ever
Hawaiʻi’s workers keep our state and economy going through good times and bad. This upcoming Labor Day, they desperately need support to weather what’s become a storm of record unemployment.

Protecting SNAP benefits for Hawaiʻi’s working families and seniors
The Trump Administration is floating a proposed rule change that would take away food assistance benefits from struggling families.

Redefining poverty would throw millions off critical social support programs
A Trump Administration rule change would force millions of Americans off critical programs that help women, children and families meet their basic needs.

Appleseed announces 2019 policy agenda
After months of research spent examining these critical issues, this agenda prioritizes efforts for maximum benefit to the community at-large.

Honolulu’s proposal to regulate short-term rentals needs serious help
Addressing the rampant proliferation of short-term vacation rentals in Hawaiʻi is critical to solving our housing crisis, but it’s imperative that we do it the right way: here’s how.

Appleseed releases 2016 State of Poverty report
The report brings together the most recent available data to provide a snapshot of how low-income residents have fared after the economic recovery from the Great Recession.