Why is SNAP failing Hawaiʻi residents?
It’s time for the state to invest in a more resilient, independent social safety net system that can keep working families going regardless of chaos at the federal level.

Trump’s Public Charge rule could cost Hawaiʻi tens of millions in revenue
The financial cost of the rule change is in addition to the harm done to the health and resilience of immigrant families through the “chilling” effect on benefits-use that has already been documented in Hawaiʻi.

No cause for panic: Hawaiʻi’s economy is OK
A quarter of slow growth is no reason for lawmakers to forgo important economic justice measures like raising the minimum wage.

50 years in the fight for equal justice
Victor Geminiani, founding director of Hawaiʻi Appleseed and career advocate for low-income and underserved communities, will retire on August 31, 2019.

Redefining poverty would throw millions off critical social support programs
A Trump Administration rule change would force millions of Americans off critical programs that help women, children and families meet their basic needs.

A win for Hawaiʻi’s foster families
The state human services department has agreed to increase the amount that should be paid to cover the expense of caring for children in foster care.