Empowering Kalihi’s youth leaders through community organizing and policy advocacy training
While people in power sometimes hand wave the voice of youth in policy conversations, our partnership with KVIBE is a reminder that young people can and should be integral components of the decision-making process.

Put more money in working people’s pockets and reduce housing costs
This legislative session, Hawaiʻi Appleseed is pushing hard to implement a significant minimum wage increase, expand successful tax credits for low-income families, and lay the groundwork for housing policy that will mean no one in Hawaiʻi is left unsheltered because of poverty.

Hawaiʻi’s crowded households could make safely reopening schools harder
With the highest portion of multigenerational and crowded households in the nation, how should our state policy on reopening schools differ?

Incomes in Hawaiʻi are not as high as you’ve heard: Here’s why
Over the years, the media has often reported that Hawaiʻi incomes are among the highest in the nation. If that doesn’t sound quite right to you, trust your gut.

Official poverty data obscures the reality faced by many Hawaiʻi residents
If you hear Hawaiʻi has one of the lowest official poverty rates in the nation, remember that doesn’t take into account our highest-in-the-nation cost of living.

Coming soon: The Hawaiʻi Budget and Policy Center
Hawaiʻi Appleseed is creating a new think tank focused on research and analysis of state budget and tax policy—the Hawaiʻi Budget & Policy Center (HBPC).

Hawaiʻi bill will create historic new working families tax credit
Rep. Scott Saiki called passage of the bill the “most consequential work in the last few years to reduce poverty and Hawaiʻi’s high cost of living.”

Report emphasizes need for Hawaiʻi working family tax credit
Report highlights the financial situation of Hawaiʻi residents and their opinion of tax credits that would let low-income workers keep more of what they earn.

A win for Hawaiʻi’s foster families
The state human services department has agreed to increase the amount that should be paid to cover the expense of caring for children in foster care.