Universal Free School Meals

Although it is rarely included on the standard school supply list, school meals are one of a  child’s most important school supplies.  

Universal free school meal (UFSM) programs offer up to two free, nutritious meals (i.e. breakfast, lunch, or both) to all students in a qualifying school, regardless of their ability to pay. These programs are designed to improve access to and increase participation in federal school meal programs–especially for students from households with lower incomes. 

UFSM programs are a proven strategy to address Hawaiʻi’s rising rates of childhood food insecurity and help working families overcome long standing, systemic economic, administrative, language, and social barriers to accessing school meals. 

The Case for Universal Free School Meals  

  1. Promote Equity and Justice

    1. To qualify for free school meals, a household of 4 would need to make less than $44,000 per year. This leaves 2 out of 3 Hawai‘i households that struggle to make ends meet ineligible for free school meals.

  2. Reduce Childhood Food Insecurity

    1. A 2022 study of schools implementing UFSM found an almost 5% decline in household food insecurity. 

  3. Improve Academic Performance

    1. Students who eat better do better than students who miss meals. Studies of UFSM in other states have shown large test scores and academic improvements at participating schools.

  4. Eliminate Stigma

    1. By making meals universally free, UFSM eliminates the stigma associated with having school meal debt, or receiving free or reduced-price meals, creating a more inclusive and supportive school environment.

  5. Leverage Shared Investment 

    1. While implementing UFSM requires a significant financial investment (approximately $15.4M), there exists a web of funding options and community partnerships available to ensure equitable implementation, including federal funding and state and local resources.